Services & Offerings
Discover Your Power Place
During this session we will focus on a guided meditation that allows you to connect to your own inner power place. A sacred space that you will come to commune with your higher self, spirit guides and ancestors. We will journey together to open your mind's eye to this magical place that only resides within you. After the journey, there is a Intuitively Guided Conversation that helps fine tune your experience. Using my abilities of spiritual connection, tarot and crystal work you will discover a new building block to your own spiritual growth.
Tarot for the Seasons
With this unique package you are able to forecast your personal seasonal themes. Four in depth tarot session that will focus on the main theme you will be working with and in during that Season. Each session will be scheduled a week before the Equinox or Solstice.
*Bonus Altar & Crystal Grid Designs created for you!*
*package prices are set discounts do not apply*
A Witch's Life Mentorship
A bi-monthly guided workshop style mentorship to help deepen your magical practice through ritual, craft & spellwork.
Each session we will focus on a theme or ritual that you want to explore. Through intuitive guidance and ritual you will deepen your understanding of your own magic and how best to use it.
2 packages available
3 months (6 sessions) $300
6 months (12 sessions) $600
*package prices are set discounts do not apply*
Tarot Readings
In the Moment 45 minute Tarot Readings
In person & Online
Monthly Package
Every Month we dive deep into the questions and concerns you are having in the moment.
This package can be purchased at 2 different points.
6 months $425
12 months $700
*package prices are set, discounts do not apply*
Creating Intuitive Connection
My intuitive healing is a mixture of multiple different practices. We will discuss the issues you would like to work on and tailor a customized healing. This can include tarot, reiki, shamanic journeying, crystal therapy and herbal remedies.
1 hour session
3 sessions $350
6 sessions $600
Monthly Sessions for a Year
*package prices are set, discounts do not apply*